INTERVIEW with Wicked Child


Wicked Child are an old-school thrash metal band formed in 2011. The band’s sound, unique in its own way, incorporates elements of crossover thrash. Wicked Child seems to be a promising band with raw power which reflects in their originals. Forged in Fire is going to be the band’s first outstation gig.

1. Greetings from IMS. How have you guys been?

WC : DRUNK but sharp. LOL! Anyway, jokes aside, we’ve been awesome, bored and restless because of this humidity. What with this heat and all, phew! Expecting more heat in Kolkata during our visit there. (Holy Shit!) At the moment we are just focused on Forged In Fire II.

2. Wicked Child is purely an underground band. Have you guys had any major breakthroughs since your formation in 2011?

WC : You’re right about that. Underground is the way to be. Metal has always been an underground genre. No one can change that. And we like it that way. Just imagine a situation where everyone in this world knew Metal, wouldn’t it be monotonous?! Metal will always be a genre for “the Few and the Proud”. Anyways breakthroughs as such had never stumbled upon us not before our demos hit the virtual streets. So before KOSMA nothing major has happened.

3. Your music and ideology primarily focus on the “80’s thrash scene.” Is your sound also influenced by the major bands of that era? Or does it incorporate modern metal too?

WC : That is basically what we started out to achieve and still strive to do so because there can’t be another 80’s thrash era and our focus on it is basically a tribute to it. Judging by the responses we have gotten so far it seems we have definitely struck a chord with our fellow thrashers out there and here as well. Definitely, the thrash titans are a major influence, without them we would’nt be playing this ‘exhilarating, relentless’ type of music. Thrash has always been a constant, the moment we first heard thrash we were sewn into it. Besides THRASH we are also heavily influenced by the NWOBHM. Cheers to the legends!!!!! Regarding your last question, the whole band is unanimous there is no modern metal influence in our music, we are old school genetically. LOL. But if by modern metal you also mean the New Wave Of Thrash Metal (Havok, Evile, Municipal Waste, etc.) then yes, we are influenced by the new wave thrash bands as well.

4. Have you guys played any out station gigs so far? If yes, how was the experience different from that in your hometown?

WC : No, KOSMA’s FORGED IN FIRE II would be our first and damn glad to be a part of it.



5. Your song “Beer Queer” has attracted considerable attention. What is the idea behind the song?

WC : Aha! BEER QUEER! What can we say! We ourselves didn’t expect this song would draw so much attention as it has. Believe it or not we got the idea for the song from a sitcom (Is that believable, LOL). The song is a dig at people (especially males) who tend to become touchy and emotional after a fucking drinking session. Ain’t that fucked-up?!Lol.

6. What are your thoughts on the current metal scene in India?

WC : As it stands today, there has really been a tremendous change regarding Metal in India. People (Headbangers, in particular) are becoming more receptive of the originals dished out by bands rather than just covers. That is a good sign. Promotion of our own backyard talent is the way to go and that is a great thing for future generation of musicians to come. It has broken the barrier of initiation and reached a level of independence. Independence of free musical expression and that is what Metal is, free expression of everything that plagues (or not) mankind.

7. Tell us about the metal scenario in the north-east in terms of exposure for metal bands, response from listeners ,etc?

WC : The Metal Scene in Northeast has been quite growing in the last few years. There are quite a number of bands that have come up recently and in the past five years. There are a number of Death Metal Acts, Modern Metal Acts, Progressive Metal Acts, Power Metal Acts etc… The only problem in this part of the world is lack of funds and sponsorships. Even in Shillong there has been lesser gigs compared to a few years back. Although the crowd response is satisfactory, but due to the lack of funds fans are not able to enjoy Metal music in its entirety. A few bands from Shillong has been able to break out and come up with EPs. In terms of originality, there has been a surge of bands coming up with their own originals which is a welcome sign by many fans.

On the whole, the metal scenario is growing stronger day by day, but the only problem is lack of gigs for bands to showcase their music. Fans here, especially Shillong are united when it comes to Metal and we hope there is going to be some changes in the years to come. There are a few major gigs that are lined up to take place in Shillong in the next few months. Hopefully this is the change everyone is waiting for.

8. What other interest(s) do you guys have?

WC : Thrash, Beer Drinking, Thrash some more, Poser Bashing, Rum party, Moshing, Crazy Ass Stupid activities.

9. Is Wicked Child associated with any label/sponsors as of now?

WC : Nope.

10. “Forged in Fire II” has an amazing line up. You guys are obviously excited to be a part of it. Are you expecting something special out of this gig?

WC : Hell Yeah!!! We’re excited. Firstly, because its our first outstation gig. Secondly, through this gig we’ll be able to interact with an expanded populace of HEADBANGERS. Thirdly, meeting bands with a commonality for METAL. Cheers to them all! The only thing special we expect out of this gig is people going ape-shit crazy and having a great blast. Metal is not about being serious, its about opening up and being “Stronger Than All”, taking all negativity, turning it into pulp and smashing it back at the fucking naysayers.

11. Do you have any word for fans reading this?

WC : Cheers to all our friends who have been showing us so much appreciation. You guys are kickass. Can’t wait to be there. Looking forward to moshing and laying ourselves to waste there with all you guys. Hoping for a memorable crazy night. Until we see you, keep on THRASHING, keep on BASHING posers and remember –
“We don’t stop thrashing nor moshing nor drinking unless we are sleeping”. HAHAHA.
Stay Wicked. Stay Thrash. CHEEEERRSS!!!!!

IMS : Thanks for talking to us. See you in the pit!


Listen to ‘Wicked Child’ songs, here!

To get all ‘Wicked Child’ updates, click here!

You can RSVP to the event, here!

Read our ‘FORGED IN FIRE II’ preview, here!

-Interviewed by Aditya Bali


INTERVIEW with Insane Prophecy

Insane Prophecy, a black/ thrash/ death metal band from Guwahati to be featured in Black Metal Krieg 3 have made remarkable contributions to the scene of the East. The band has a much admired EP ‘Apogee Of An Inquisition’ to its name. Insane Prophecy talk about their music, experiences, Black Metal Krieg and more. Here’s our conversation with them-

1. Greetings from Indian Metal Scene!

IP : Hello..

2. Insane Prophecy is among the few bands that have a significant contribution in shaping of the death metal scene of Guwahati. How has the experience been so far?

IP : Honestly it has been a rough journey so far but that’s what it should be in a metal band I believe. We learned from every gig and improved ourselves as we needed to which was very necessary. Though the somehow growing scene of Guwahati has evolved to some extent just because musicians are taking it quite seriously and it’s great. I hope crowd also takes it a little seriously someday like here in Bombay.

3. Having made your debut entry in AEC’s annual rock fest, Pyrokinesis’08, how has the band evolved since then?

IP : Well Pyrokinesis ’08 was a long time back and at that initial stage IP had six guys playing with Ifty Sarwar on drums. They had no idea of their own sound and so the originals were Slayerish in nature with symphonic elements. In a span of 5 years, now we are 3 guys on stage with vast differences in our sound, the knowledge of gears and experience on stage which is still growing as we play more.

4. Has the sound of Insane Prophecy changed after the line-up changes that you guys have had?

IP : Actually the line up changes were made when we felt the need to apply a certain change in sound to our music. When we zeroed in on what we want, the line up changed never effected to our sound.

5. Insane Prophecy’s sound mostly resonates powerful riffing, loud bass sound and ferocious drumming. On the other hand, your debut EP features a delicate acoustic outro, confirming the band’s versatility. What inspires such variety and what is the idea behind it?

IP : The variety we have in the EP Apogee Of An Inquisition is nothing but a thematical concept which goes on throughout the album. The first song marks the existence of heretics (IP) and beginning of the storytelling and so it sounds groovy, loud, fast and heavy. The second song The Canticle, an anthem is for the backing and unifying like minded followers of the cult themed in the EP, which keeps it groovy mostly and heavier in comparison to the first song, marking the strengthening of the cult through unity. The third song, the title song, is the war making it sound the most heavy and fast and exploding song of the EP. Outro is calm just because the title “Obsequies” means thousand funerals, which portrays the aftermath of the war and can be interpreted along.

6. Why the name Insane Prophecy? What ‘prophecy’ are we talking about?

IP : The only prophecy of the universe is that everything returns and so we take stories from past and portray it as prophecies. Now according to that the future is gonna be really insane. 😉

7. Cannibal Corpse or Behemoth or Belphegor and why?

IP : All of them. 3 of them have different versatility and sound but has one thing in common, they are monstrous and aggressive and I love it.

8. Ifty, being the oldest member, which was the best lineup Insane Prophecy ever had?

IP : I think the present line up is the best line up IP ever had. With me on guitar / vocals, Ifty on bass/vocals/lyrics/drums in the studio and bass /vocals in live with Malice from Shillong on drums.

9. Any special memories from your recent show at Entombed Metal Fest held in Mumbai alongside Plague Throat, GUTSLIT and many a good bands?

IP : Plague Throat and Gutslit in the front row banging their heads off to our music was really a good one..

10. Blasphemy ov Diabolic got featured in Episode 13 of Flaming Skull Metalcast which also featured Galder, guitarist of Dimmu Borgir. How do you guys feel about it?

IP : Well that was few years ago, and at that moment we were really happy, but that song was a demo song, for which, as of now, we can only wish if we had the EP to have one of the songs featured on there. But nevertheless, it was quite great.

11. Craziest gig moment ever?

IP : Serene Atrocity, Shillong 2013, moshpit, wall of death, body surfing, circle pits and what not, right when we were on stage. It was so awesome that I could not stop myself joining the pit right when we got off stage. Honestly it’s not the moment but the whole gig which was crazy to the limits.

12. Name one album that you’d like to recommend to our readers?

IP : King Crimson – The Construction of Light

13. Any Indian bands that has been your major influences?

IP : Plague Throat has always been influencing us in terms of practice and, Demonic Ressurection, Gutslit, Third Sovereign in terms of professionalism.

14. Insane Prophecy is one of the finest metal bands from India. Don’t you think you guys need to sign a record label which would definitely help the band regarding tours and album releases?

IP : Well we have always been an independent band, which gave us lots of freedom to explore our music, but I think the time has come to let professional people handle management which would be great to try for once as we never signed any. So, in a few months Insane Prophecy is going to sign into the only unified metal record label of India Transcending Obscurity. And I am really looking forward to it.

15. Insane Prophecy is the only band from the East to be featured in Black Metal Krieg 3. What is Mumbai going to witness this December? Also, share with us your thoughts about the level of exposure received by the musically-sound youth of the East. How is the scenario different from that in bigger cities?

IP : I think we were the only band from east to be in BMK 2, Domination Deathfest V and BMK 3. This time we have a great line up and it’s gonna be much better than the last BMK. Well, musical exposure isn’t any different in the east, people do listen to every kind of music and get it however they want to. It just differs on one thing from bigger cities that organizing a gig in the east is more expensive and harder than in the big cities. Ample bands are there, but very less amount of gigs.

16. So is the studio heat up? Is there an album in progress?

IP : Song writing is on for an album. Though we are not in the studio yet.

17. Here is your space for all the readers :

IP : Cheers people. Be calm and listen to music. (y)

18. Thank you very much for your time and we will see you soon.

IP : Thank you.


Order Insane Prophecy‘s Debut EP “Apogee Of An Inquisition” here! 

Catch Insane Prophecy LIVE at Black Metal Krieg III. RSVP here!

Read our Black Metal Krieg III preview here!

-Interviewed by Mili Ankita