INTERVIEW with Fragarak


Fragarak came into existence in early 2011 and laid the foundation for one of the most promising acts to newly emerge out of India that year. Fragarak is a lethal blend of melodic tunes accompanied by intense technical rhythms, supported by fiercely independent bass lines, bolstered with decimating drumming, and channeled by lyrical themes delivered through bestial vocals. We had a chat with the band about their music, gigs and future of the band. Below is the whole conversation-

1. Greetings from Indian Metal Scene! Tell us about the inception of the band. Was it a planned decision or a result of experiments? What does the name ‘Fragarak’ signify?

Fragarak: Hails and Cheers for the interview!
Initially, Ruben(guitars), Sagar(drums) and Kartikeya(bass) were band mates from previous projects and knew each other well and had formulated the kind of music to be pursued with the initiation of Fragarak. Arpit(guitars) and Supratim(vocals) were the much needed addition to the line-up to fortify the intent with the musical ideologies going in the same direction for the band. It wasn’t planned initially, but all the 5 gelled in with the similar musical intentions, complimentary to each other’s part and thus the entity of Fragarak came into being.
The name depicts the musical theme. Derived from the Celtic sword “Fragarach” which is empowered to shatter the toughest of all shields, Fragarak aims at the unrevealed deceptions shielded by the system and hence the name!

2. What is a Fragarak song? At the outset, do you conceive of a song as melodies and riffs or as an abstract idea? How do you build on it?

Fragarak: A Fragarak song might be put as a piece of music rooted in the old-school Scandinavian sound, expressed with heavy aggression plus adorned with intricate layers of technical guitar playing.. tossed up with the elements of progression, alongside melodic shifts and acoustic passages.
The composition and structuring of song parts proceeds after the underlying expression and conceptual idea has been framed. Thus each song is built upon a set of emotions and is devised consequently with the expression of riffs, narrating the progress as a song proceeds.

3. Many are of opinion that young bands, inspired by established artists playing progressive metal, decide on playing the genre and end up presenting the result of some failed attempts at technicalities or odd time signatures. What are your thoughts? How audacious is the decision to play progressive metal which demands intelligent structuring and unconventional details?

Fragarak: Playing under the progressive label and keeping up to its repute does take more than simple efforts. However this style of playing is what occurred to us naturally, in order to put forth the music which we always wanted to create. Progressive structuring, time signature detailing are some of the insights which creeps inherently when we sit to write music, also to mention it’s something which we gladly include in our songwrtiting process. Thus all this progressive mould gives our music that shape with which we want it to be played, and we’re glad that this approach has delivered for us.

4. Fragarak’s music is well-thought and portrays the essence of old school death metal at times with aggression and a certain dash of melancholy. This speaks of the rich sources from which the band draws inspiration. Please tell us about the band’s musical influences.

Fragarak: We are chiefly inspired by the sound characterising the early ’90’s death metal scene, which comprised certain inherent black metal elements. To name a few bands would be Dissection, Unanimated. Besides Death as a direct influence, Cynic & Edge of Sanity also remain our main influences, considering the progressive elements they used in the realms of death metal sounds. Along with technical aspects from many modern death metal bands, it is worth to mention that classical music by J.S Bach and Richard Wagner also has an important influence.


Debut album ‘CRYPTS OF DISSIMULATION’ artwork

5. Through songwriting laced around lyrical themes that question orthodoxy, Fragarak seems to be establishing a strong ideology. What do you think about societal institutions? How do you agree or disagree with the inevitability of such ‘authority’ that your music questions?

Fragarak: Models of acceptance without justification, unquestioned conformity and orthodox obligations are the bottlenecks to healthy and logical thinking. As much as they are made unavoidable and inevitable by the throes of the social framework, one is sure to fall prey to such situations in every remote personal surroundings. Self insights are victimised, thus in order to taste that sole purpose of a meaningful existence it is better to do away with such invalid constraints. Fragarak’s debut album pertains largely to this ideology which we strongly believe in.


6. Progressive metal incorporates a good deal of musical diversity in terms of arrangement of the songs- at times a flowing narrative, and at times with rather abrupt changes in mood. How does Fragarak perceive progressive metal in terms of the emotions or thought process it seeks to establish? Does diverse musicality mean diverse emotions?

Fragarak: As mentioned earlier, the structuring and arrangements of Fragarak songs have a very progressive intent taking the listener through an array of emotions, all revolving around the central idea being expressed in a particular song. With the diversity in the riffing and compositions, a given song flows though different moods subjecting the listener to a whirlpool of introspective perceptions, at the end of which one would reckon a complete conceptual journey. Which is why, in the case of our album, it’s presumably the more you listen to one song, the better it grows on you.

7. Fragarak’s music has often upheld the glory of the old school. Do you think that in the present day there is a certain generational loss in heavy metal in the sense that a lot of excellent music from the old school is forgotten and a lot of bands from that era that listeners today appreciate are in fact the ones who availed good sources of advertising?

Fragarak: The fact is unfortunately true, that majority of the contemporary metal is devoid of the intent and soul of the glorious past that paved the proper way for this form of music. Trend infested counterparts are doing the rounds lately. However it’s equally inevitable, that they are hardly poised for sustenance. The past has been an evidence of survival, that the fittest form of music has always made its way through the ages, irrespective of temporal surges of few other forms. That which is best always gets retained and will always find its way through, as it is still being able to do today!

8. What are your thoughts about metal in India? Do you think metal here has any validity as an artistic movement which questions societal standards and norms? Or are its values purely musical?

Fragarak: Metal in India is growing through it’s faint scope from the underground. It had been tough and in an environment prevalent in our nation, it will always remain tough. But however small, the movement will survive. There has been phenomenal acts putting Indian metal on the global map, and there will be more in due time.
However, to evolve into a bigger scale, beyond the present status of purely musical/entertainment intent, the need is that of a surprising revolution which will emerge the small scene from the underground to the foreground. In years to come from now – unity, cohesion, sound marketing approach might forge the movement on a larger scale, with a promise of a sustained impact.

9. Do you think that metal as a form of art loses its ‘purity’ when brought out of the underground and exposed to the masses, many of whom might not be able to relate to the ideologies and the technicalities of the genre? Do you agree with the idea and the necessity of commercialization of heavy metal to a certain extent?
Also, do you not think that it is difficult for metal to survive solely by being underground, due to a possible dearth of exposure?

Fragarak: The loss of ‘purity’ as you mention will only be when it is imposed on the masses. However, making your form of artistic music known to those who feed on intricate taste is a bonus. There are many out there in the more massive crowd who might not be fully satisfied with what the mainstream feeds them with. Selective commercialisation to such untapped audience, who are yet to come across this form and would gladly accept metal as their music, is the key. Commercialisation might not necessarily mean selling out your music to random population, but reaching out your music to proper ears, making sure no eager and interested ears are missed– which is the right way to do it.
And as far as survival is concerned, once the art takes the form of a real movement this way, it’s an ongoing process from there onwards – the fittest music survives and paves the way for the future audience.




10. Do you think that the best musical innovations exist only until the time such music is brought out in the mainstream which sometimes demands adherence to ‘standards’ and kills originality? How do you think it is possible in future to enhance heavy metal in India without distorting the values intrinsic to it?

Fragarak: It’s all a matter of priorities! An artist making music truest to his/her own beliefs will keep doing that. If popularity happens to chance upon, it’s because of what music was created in the first place. Then onwards it’s all whether one wants to express one’s own art in continuation, or rather one chooses to appease the audience with what they want. For originality and innovation to survive, we express music what we personally and artistically believe in, thus making the audience convinced with that. Never the other way around!

11. Quite a few present-day metal bands say that they do not have any ‘musical goals’ as such and make music solely for the passion. Such an outlook does not seem very sufficing for bands that show greater musical prowess. What does Fragarak seek to accomplish in the near future?

Fragarak: Musical intent driven by passion is a necessity, but musical ambitions tagged only by the name of passion sounds bleak. Our wish list of accomplishments would include – playing selected good shows to promote the debut record, availing the right exposure to reach out, while also working on the newer stuff to enhance the productivity of the band’s sound. Eventually carving out a characteristic niche in the realms of our genre through Fragarak’s signature sound and finally contributing to the scene and its foundation both locally and globally, if things supportively fall in place.

12. What are your thoughts on heavy metal in India in terms of artists, listeners, exposure and contemporaries? Who do you think have been the most influential bands in the Indian scene?

Fragarak: Heavy metal artists in India making a name for themselves are persistent hard workers, while listeners are relatively fewer but supportive. The exposure though emerging is yet not sufficient, and to a fair extent biased as well.
The most influential band in the Indian scene are those who have stuck to their stuff since the inception, contributing to their respective genres and have kept doing it untiringly over the years.

13. Fragarak is a part of the line-up of the Transcending Obscurity Fest to be held in Thane this May. Do you have any message for your listeners and fans attending the show? Tell us about your experience with the record label.

Fragarak: Well almost every one attending the show must have spun our record available with their passes. To them, you are in for a memorable gig. Witnessing Fragarak’s set will be a completion, if you enjoy the record and hope to relive your favourite parts from our live experience. To those few who’ll be hearing us for the first time, you can expect witnessing something new, the set might make you go back and enjoy the lingering fresh reverberations.
Well about Transcending Obscurity, it has been a much needed exposure for our music. And Mr. Choksi has always been majorly supportive! One of the few guys for whom purely the music has only mattered always. His efforts to selflessly uphold and promote deserving bands have earned him our respect and gratitude!

14. Congratulations on the Asian Metal Festival! How big a leap is China? Please share with us the memorable experiences.

Fragarak: Thank you, and yes! Asia Metal Fest was a huge success for the band and went down as an immense experience! After Nepal Death fest earlier this year, this being our first proper cross border tour, was special. The credit of sharing the same platform alongside the premium reputed acts like Narakam (China), Wolf Spider (Poland), Impiety (Singapore) etc. was an eventful turn early on in our career as a band. Also being the first Indian band to play China was an important collaboration of the mutual metal circuits. Signing off the one year anniversary of our record with international tour dates and an extremely supportive overseas audience was definitely fulfilling for us.

IMS : Thanks for your time and talking to us. See you tomorrow at the pit!


RSVP to the event ‘Transcending Obscurity Festhere!

You can buy the Digipack of “Crypts of Dissimulationhere!

-Photo CreditsDanish R.D/Danz Photography

-Interviewed by Debarati Das


UPCOMING GIG: Order Of Heretical Trident Festival


CONTENT ORDER OF HERETICAL TRIDENT FESTIVAL is conceptualized to uphold and ignite the black flame of underground extreme metal sensibility, aesthetics and essence in most uncompromising and unapologetic way.

Conspired by the cult of Putrid Ascendancy, Kolkata, the concept of this festival is to provoke and create an impulse for extreme music and support the bands with original music that comes with a point of view and misanthropic visions. Kolkata, being one of the current epicenters for quality heavy metal culture, seems like the one of the best places to organize ORDER OF HERETICAL TRIDENT FEST!
The first edition will have local as well invaders to conjure up a vicious line up! More information on line up, date and venue will be unveiled soon.